15. From Teacher to Bootlegging Van Trips with Mink of Junkyard Brewing
The guys chat with Matthias Valan from Junkyard Brewing about how things are going up at the yard during COVID-19. We find out how he went from a school teacher to working at Junkyard, and Blake and Matthias teach Brady how to properly shotgun a beer!
Beers sampled:
Lupulin Brewing // Hooey NE IPA
Junkyard Brewing // Swimming in Chaos Stout
Drastic Measures // Gold Digger Sour
MN Craft Brewers Guild Impact
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Brew Chat Podcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brewchatpodcast/
Our Guest:
Matthias Valan (Mink) https://www.instagram.com/minkbro/
Brady Lindquist https://www.instagram.com/bradysbrews/
Blake Piipke https://www.instagram.com/blakepiipke/
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